I want to write this post, since I’ve been colouring my hair for several years. I don’t bleach my hair because it’ll be too damaging.
Remember: Permanent hair dyes contain harmful chemicals. Thus, I dye my hair between 3-5 months (around 1 hour, 15 minutes). There’s also ammonia free hair dyes you can use if you want to dye your hair every 1-2 months. As for semi permanent hair dye/spray, I only use it whenever we are going somewhere nice. Though, it is safe to use weekly because it’s ammonia and peroxide free, reapplying so often can be damaging. Just think about this in anything you do; too much is bad for you. So please, leave you hair for as long as you can before dying it again.
From time to time, I admire photos over the internet of people with pastel hair colours. Until one day, I finally decided to try it myself. My first choice was the Live Pink spray since it’s cheap. It says it lasts up to 3 washes, but it took longer than that.
Since I liked the outcome, I decided to try the Bleach London Rosè cream next, along with the Rosè Shampoo and Conditioner to make it last longer. Prior to the purchase, I have read bad reviews about it, saying it only works on bleached light blonde hair. Since it says on the package to leave it on for 15 minutes (old ones), that’s what people did. But since I know that, even when you colour your hair with a permanent dye, 15 minutes is not enough. On the new packaging, they changed it into 30 minutes.
L’Oréal Colorista & Pro: Voke Shampoo & Conditioner works it’s purposes too.
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